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Functions for Strings



Prints a string to the screen using the DOS function for string output. The string must end with the $ character.


Parameter Description
%1 Address of the string to be printed.

Example Usage

section .data
   message db "Hello, world!$", 0

section .text
   print message



Prints a string to the screen and adds a newline after the output. Uses the print macro for output and the newline macro for a new line.


Parameter Description
%1 Address of the string to be printed with a newline.

Example Usage

section .data
   message db "Hey!$", 0

section .text
   println message


Prints multiple strings to the screen. Uses the println macro to print each string with a newline. Supports a variable number of arguments and requires at least two arguments.


Parameter Description
%1, %2, ... Variable number of strings to be printed.

Example Usage

section .data
   msg1 db "Hello,", 0
   msg2 db "world!", 0
   msg3 db "How are you?", 0

section .text
   print_multi msg1, msg2, msg3


Prints multiple strings in a single line, separating them with spaces. Each argument is printed with a space between them, except for the last one. Supports a variable number of arguments and requires at least two arguments.


Parameter Description
%1, %2, ... Variable number of strings to be printed in one line, separated by spaces.

Example Usage

section .data
   msg1 db "Hello,", 0
   msg2 db "world!", 0
   msg3 db "How are you?", 0

section .text
   print_inline msg1, msg2, msg3


Prints a character to the screen followed by a newline. First prints a newline (Carriage Return and Line Feed), then prints the specified character.


Parameter Description
%1 Character to be printed.

Example Usage

section .data
   char db 'A'  ; Character to print

section .text
   print_char char



Concatenates two or more string arguments into a single string. The result is stored in the first provided parameter, which must be a buffer for storing the result. Each string must end with the $ character.


Parameter Description
%1 Address of the buffer where the concatenated string will be stored.
%2, %3, ... Strings to concatenate. Each string must end with $.

Example Usage

section .data
   str1 db "Hello$", 0
   str2 db "World$", 0
   result db 100 dup(0) ; Buffer for result

section .text
   concat result, str1, str2



Calculates the length of a string, including only characters up to the first $ character. The result is stored in the variable passed as the first argument. The string must end with $.


Parameter Description
%1 Address of the variable where the string length (integer) will be stored.
%2 Address of the string whose length is to be calculated. The string must end with $.

Example Usage

section .data
   my_str db "Hello$", 0
   length dw 0

section .text
   strlen length, my_str



Copies the content of the second string into the first string. Both strings must end with the $ character. The second string is copied into the first, including the end-of-string $ character.


Parameter Description
%1 Address of the first buffer where the string will be copied.
%2 Address of the second buffer (string) whose content will be copied.

Example Usage

section .data
   str1 db "Old string$", 0
   str2 db "New string$", 0

section .text
   strcopy str1, str2



Compares two strings and stores the comparison result (whether they are equal or not) in a buffer (must be at least 5 bytes). Both strings must end with the $ character. If the strings are equal, "True" is copied into the buffer; otherwise, "False" is copied.


Parameter Description
%1 Address of the buffer where the comparison result will be stored.
%2 Address of the first string to compare.
%3 Address of the second string to compare with the first.

Example Usage

section .data
   result db 5
   str1 db "Hello$", 0
   str2 db "Hello$", 0

section .text
   strcmp result, str1, str2



Extracts a substring from a string using two numbers that indicate the start and end positions. If the indices are incorrect (e.g., the end index is greater than the length of the string or the start index is greater than the end), an empty string is written to the buffer, and an error message is displayed.


Parameter Description
%1 Address of the buffer where the substring will be written.
%2 Address of the source string from which the substring will be extracted.
%3 Start position of the substring (index of the first character to extract).
%4 End position of the substring (index of the last character to include in the substring).

Example usage

section .data
   str db "Hello, World$", 0
   result db 10, 0
   error_msg db "Invalid indices!", 0

section .text
   substr result, str, 7, 12